Community Glossary#


design of products, devices, services, or environments to be usable by people who experience disabilities; sometimes abbreviated as “a11y” where 11 stands for the number of letters between the first “a” and the last “y” in the word accessibility


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the internal database of The Carpentries; it allows the organisation to track programmatic activity including: workshops, Instructor Trainings, individual roles and badges, and institutional memberships


indicator of a role in The Carpentries community that requires certification; typically, a certificate will be sent by email when a badge is conferred; see also Certification

blog post#

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Bonus Module#

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Carpentries Clippings#

bi-weekly newsletter sent to an opt-in email list, featuring community news and announcements and including important updates from The Carpentries committees, task forces and programs, job postings, and related information for our community from other organisations

Carpentries Conversations#

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Carpentries Incubator#

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Carpentries Lab#

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Centrally-Organised Workshop#

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process of earning a badge; see also Badge


a process consisting of steps to be completed after or in addition to a training in order to complete certification. Most often, this refers to the Instructor checkout process, but may also refer to steps required for Trainer certification.

Code of Conduct#

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Community Coordinator#

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Community Development Team#

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Community Discussion#

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Core Team#

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Curriculum Development Handbook#

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Curriculum Advisor#

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Curriculum Advisory Committee#

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Curriculum Development Handbook#

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Curriculum Module#

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Curriculum Team#

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Discussion Host#

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Host Organisation#

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active, intentional, and ongoing engagement of diverse people and communities that increases awareness, content knowledge, and empathic understanding of the ways we interact within (and change) our community

Incubator Lesson#

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Incubator Lesson Spotlight#

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Instructor Trainees#

Individuals who are in the process of being certified as an Instructor.

Instructor Trainers#

community members who have been trained and certified to teach Instructor Training; they also host teaching demonstrations, attend Trainer meetings, and teach Instructor Training Bonus Modules

Instructor Training#

training in how to teach Carpentries workshops, including educational psychology, evidence-based teaching practices, and Carpentries-specific information; a necessary step to complete Instructor checkout and certification.

Instructor Training Bonus Modules#

additional optional training that may be offered to Instructors

Instructor Training Curriculum#

community-maintained curriculum used for teaching Instructor Training

Instructor Training Team#

members of The Carpentries Core Team who support the growth and development of The manage our Instructor Training and Trainer Training program. administration, oversee curricula, and work closely with the Trainer community


community members who teach Carpentries workshops. Certified Carpentries Instructors receive a badge after completing Instructor Training and checkout and are eligible to self-organise branded Carpentries workshops as well as volunteer to teach centrally-organised workshops worldwide.

Lab Lesson#

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Lesson Developer#

member of the community who creates lesson content; may use Curriculum Development Handbook as a primary resource

Lesson Development Sprint#

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Lesson Infrastructure#

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Lesson Program#

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Lesson Program Governance Committee#

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Mailing List#

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instructor who volunteers to guide small groups of mentees toward a particular outcome

Mentoring Program#

program supporting Instructors who are new to our community by matching them with a personal Mentor and will help Mentees gain the confidence, technical skills, and teaching skills needed to reach their goal

Official Lesson#

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Pilot Workshop#

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Pre- and Post-Workshop Discussions#

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Regional Community Call#

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Self-Organised Workshop#

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Task Force#

group created to explore ideas and make updates in policy, procedures and guidelines; they bring together a small group of people focused on a particular topic for a set period of time

Teaching Demo#

a session where Instructor trainees give a short demonstration of how they would teach a lesson; part of the Instructor certification process.

Themed Discussion Session#

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individuals who are undergoing, but have not yet completed, Instructor Training individuals who have taken a Carpentries Training and are working toward certification.

Trainer Training#

training in how to teach Instructor Training; a necessary step to complete Trainer checkout and certification.

Trainer Training Curriculum#

community-maintained curriculum used for teaching Trainer Training

Trainers Leadership#

committee of Instructor Trainers responsible for community oversight and governance


an event that provides instruction (and/or training) on specific competencies, knowledge, or skills. The individuals who complete training become eligible for certification upon completion of the program requirements


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Workshop Administration Team#

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Workshop Administrator#

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Workshop Format#

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